Best Coffee Roaster Machine for Small Business

best coffee roaster machine for small business

If you are a small business owner looking for the best coffee roaster machine, there are several options available to help you achieve the perfect roast for your coffee beans. With the right machine, you can guarantee freshness and quality, which is essential for small businesses in the coffee industry. In this article, we will explore the top coffee roaster machines that are suitable for small businesses, providing you with a comprehensive guide to making the best choice for your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right coffee roaster machine is crucial for small businesses in the coffee industry.
  • Freshness and quality are essential factors for success in the coffee business.
  • We will explore the top coffee roaster machines suitable for small businesses.
  • Consider factors such as capacity, power source, control options, and overall performance when making your choice.
  • Taking into account your budget and business requirements will help you find the best coffee roaster machine for your small business.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Coffee Roaster Machine for Small Business

When selecting a coffee roaster machine for your small business, there are several important factors to take into consideration. These factors will help you determine which machine is the best fit for your specific needs and preferences. Here are the key factors to consider:

1. Capacity

The capacity of the coffee roaster machine refers to how much coffee it can roast at once. This is an essential factor to consider, as it determines the amount of coffee you can produce in a single batch. If you have a high demand for coffee or if you plan on expanding your business in the future, opting for a machine with a larger capacity would be beneficial.

2. Power Source

Coffee roaster machines can be powered either by gas or electricity. Gas-powered machines offer greater control over the roasting process and are ideal for small businesses that prioritize precision and flavor. On the other hand, electric machines are easier to operate and maintain, making them a convenient option for businesses that prioritize simplicity and efficiency.

3. Control Options

The level of control that a coffee roaster machine offers can significantly impact the roasting process. Some machines come with advanced computer control systems that allow you to program specific roast profiles and make adjustments on the fly. Others may have manual controls that require more hands-on operation. Consider your level of expertise and the degree of control you desire in order to choose the right machine.

4. Design and Function

The design and function of a coffee roaster machine can vary greatly. Some machines are compact and suited for smaller spaces, while others are larger and may require more room. Additionally, machines may have different features such as smoke suppression systems or cooling trays. Evaluate your workspace and understand the functionality you need to ensure the machine fits seamlessly into your operations.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing a coffee roaster machine for your small business. Remember to prioritize your specific needs, preferences, and long-term goals to select a machine that will contribute to the success and growth of your coffee business.

Best Coffee Roaster Machines in 2021 – Overall

After extensive research and evaluation, we have identified the top coffee roaster machines that stand out in terms of overall performance and features. These machines offer customization options, attention to detail, and good customer support. The top picks include the ARC 800G, North 500g Gas Coffee Roaster, Hottop KN-8828P-2k+, and Huky 500. Each machine has its unique qualities and capabilities, making them suitable choices for small businesses in the coffee industry.

The ARC 800G is known for its precise temperature control and consistent roasting results. It offers a large capacity of 800g, making it ideal for small businesses with high coffee demands. The North 500g Gas Coffee Roaster, on the other hand, stands out for its compact design and gas-powered operation, providing flexibility and efficiency. The Hottop KN-8828P-2k+ offers advanced computer control capabilities, allowing for precise control over the roast profiles.

Lastly, the Huky 500 is a versatile and durable coffee roaster machine that offers a wide range of customization options. Its solid construction and reliable performance make it a popular choice among small business owners. These coffee roaster machines provide a combination of quality, functionality, and customer satisfaction, making them the top choices for small businesses in the coffee industry.

Table: Top Coffee Roaster Machines in 2021 – Overall

Machine Capacity Power Source Control Options
ARC 800G 800g Electric Manual control with temperature gauge
North 500g Gas Coffee Roaster 500g Gas Manual control
Hottop KN-8828P-2k+ 1kg Electric Advanced computer control
Huky 500 500g Electric Manual control with customizable options

Best Coffee Roaster Machines Under $500

If you’re a small business owner on a budget, you can still find excellent coffee roaster machines that won’t break the bank. These machines may have some limitations in terms of capacity and functionality, but they offer great value for the price. Let’s take a look at the top picks for the best coffee roaster machines under $500:

  1. KALDI Best Personal Coffee Roaster: This compact and efficient coffee roaster is perfect for small businesses. It offers a roasting capacity of up to 300g and features a gas burner for precise temperature control. With its durable construction and user-friendly design, the KALDI Best Personal Coffee Roaster is an excellent choice for those starting out.
  2. KALDI Mini Roaster: Another budget-friendly option, the KALDI Mini Roaster is ideal for businesses with low roasting needs. It has a roasting capacity of up to 200g and is powered by a gas burner. Despite its small size, this coffee roaster delivers consistent and flavorful roasts, making it a great investment for small businesses.
  3. Behmor 1600 Plus: The Behmor 1600 Plus is a versatile coffee roaster that offers a roasting capacity of up to 1 pound. It features customizable roast profiles and a smoke suppression system, ensuring a clean and enjoyable roasting experience. With its affordable price and impressive capabilities, the Behmor 1600 Plus is a popular choice among small business owners.
  4. Fresh Roast SR 700: The Fresh Roast SR 700 is a digitally controlled coffee roaster that allows for precise roasting adjustments. It offers a roasting capacity of up to 1/2 pound and features multiple roast settings to suit various coffee bean types. With its intuitive interface and consistent results, the Fresh Roast SR 700 is a reliable option for small businesses.

These coffee roaster machines provide efficient roasting capabilities at an affordable price point, making them ideal for small businesses looking to keep costs down. While they may not offer the same level of capacity and functionality as higher-end machines, they still deliver excellent results and allow you to roast coffee beans to perfection.

Now that we’ve explored the best coffee roaster machines under $500, you can choose the one that suits your small business needs and budget. Remember to consider factors such as roasting capacity, control options, and durability when making your decision. With a quality coffee roaster machine, you’ll be able to create delicious and freshly roasted coffee that will impress your customers and keep them coming back for more.

Coffee Roaster Machine Roasting Capacity Power Source Key Features
KALDI Best Personal Coffee Roaster Up to 300g Gas Compact, durable construction
KALDI Mini Roaster Up to 200g Gas Small size, consistent roasts
Behmor 1600 Plus Up to 1 pound Electric Customizable roast profiles, smoke suppression system
Fresh Roast SR 700 Up to 1/2 pound Electric Digitally controlled, multiple roast settings

Best Coffee Roaster Machines for Small Business

When it comes to small businesses in the coffee industry, investing in a dedicated coffee roaster machine can have a significant impact on the quality and flavor of the coffee. The top picks for the best coffee roaster machines for small business include the Legendary Probatino, Sedona Elite 3200, Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster, and Artisan 2.5. These machines offer commercial-grade performance and capacity, ensuring that you can roast and serve high-quality coffee to your customers.

Each coffee roaster machine has its unique features and benefits that cater to the needs of small businesses. The Legendary Probatino is known for its exceptional roasting capabilities and robust design. It is a reliable choice for businesses looking to produce consistent results. The Sedona Elite 3200 offers a larger capacity and advanced features, allowing businesses to roast coffee on a larger scale without compromising quality. Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster combines efficiency and precision, making it a popular choice among small business owners. The Artisan 2.5 offers versatility and control, allowing users to customize the roasting process to their exact preferences.

With these coffee roaster machines, small businesses can ensure that they have the tools necessary to roast coffee beans to perfection. Investing in a high-quality machine not only enhances the taste and aroma of the coffee but also allows businesses to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Customers appreciate the freshness and quality that comes with freshly roasted coffee, and these machines deliver just that.

Machine Features Capacity
Legendary Probatino Exceptional roasting capabilities, robust design 5-10kg
Sedona Elite 3200 Larger capacity, advanced features 4-6kg
Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster Efficiency, precision 6kg
Artisan 2.5 Versatility, control 2.5kg

When selecting a coffee roaster machine for your small business, consider your specific needs, budget, and desired level of control. Each of these machines offers a unique set of features that can cater to different business requirements. Whether you prioritize capacity, advanced features, or precision control, there is a coffee roaster machine that will suit your needs. With the right machine, you can elevate your coffee offerings and provide your customers with an exceptional coffee experience.

Best Coffee Roaster Machine Commercial Type

When it comes to taking your coffee roasting business to the next level, investing in a commercial-type coffee roaster machine is essential. These machines are designed to handle larger capacities and offer more advanced features, catering to the needs of businesses that roast coffee on a larger scale. The top pick in this category is the Legendary Probatino. This machine is renowned for its robust design, solid construction, and exceptional roasting capabilities. With its commercial-grade performance, the Probatino ensures that you can consistently produce high-quality coffee that delights your customers.

Another excellent option to consider is the Sedona Elite 3200. This commercial coffee roaster machine combines efficiency and precision, allowing you to achieve consistent roasting results every time. Its intuitive controls and advanced technology make it a popular choice among coffee professionals.

If you’re looking for a gas-powered option, the Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster is a top contender. This machine offers excellent control over the roasting process, giving you the ability to fine-tune every batch to perfection. Its large capacity makes it suitable for medium-sized coffee businesses that require higher production volumes.

Lastly, the Artisan 2.5 is a commercial coffee roaster machine that offers exceptional performance in a compact size. With its advanced roasting profiles and user-friendly interface, this machine allows you to experiment with different roast profiles and truly craft your coffee to perfection.

Machine Key Features
Legendary Probatino Robust design, solid construction, exceptional roasting capabilities
Sedona Elite 3200 Efficiency, precision, intuitive controls, advanced technology
Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster Gas-powered, excellent control, large capacity
Artisan 2.5 Advanced roasting profiles, user-friendly interface, compact size

Investing in a commercial coffee roaster machine is a significant decision for your small business, and it’s important to choose one that meets your specific needs. Consider factors such as capacity, control options, and the overall performance of the machine. By selecting the right coffee roaster equipment, you can elevate your roasting process and deliver exceptional coffee to your customers, ensuring the success of your small business in the competitive coffee industry.


Selecting the best coffee roaster machine for your small business is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the quality and success of your coffee products. In this article, we have explored different options based on factors such as capacity, power source, control options, and overall performance. Whether you are looking for a more budget-friendly option or a commercial-grade machine, there is a suitable coffee roaster available for your small business.

Evaluate your needs, consider the factors discussed, and choose the machine that best fits your requirements. With the right coffee roaster machine, you can elevate the taste and freshness of your coffee, ensuring customer satisfaction and the success of your small business in the coffee industry.


What factors should I consider when choosing a coffee roaster machine for my small business?

When selecting a coffee roaster machine, important factors to consider include capacity, power source (gas or electric), level of computer control, and design and function.

What are the best coffee roaster machines in 2021 for small businesses?

The top coffee roaster machines for small businesses in 2021 include the ARC 800G, North 500g Gas Coffee Roaster, Hottop KN-8828P-2k+, and Huky 500.

Are there any coffee roaster machines available for under $500?

Yes, there are excellent coffee roaster machines available for under $500. Some top picks in this price range include the KALDI Best Personal Coffee Roaster, KALDI Mini Roaster, Behmor 1600 Plus, and Fresh Roast SR 700.

What are the best coffee roaster machines for small businesses?

The best coffee roaster machines for small businesses include the Legendary Probatino, Sedona Elite 3200, Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster, and Artisan 2.5. These machines offer commercial-grade performance and capacity.

What are the best coffee roaster machines for commercial use?

The top pick for commercial coffee roaster machines is the Legendary Probatino. Other options to consider include the Sedona Elite 3200, Mill City’s 6kg Gas-Powered Roaster, and Artisan 2.5.

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